Sunbed Tanning

At Rockstar Body Bar, we pride ourselves on educating our clients about the benefits of responsible tanning to ensure that you have an exceptional experience every time you visit our salon.
Our state-of-the-art Sunbeds are designed to replicate the UVA (oxidizes melanin or browning pigment that tans the skin) and UVB (triggers melanin production) produced by the sun, while allowing you to manage your exposure in a relaxing lay-down bed or stand-up booth with sessions from 8-15 minutes.
As always, if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
What you wear is a personal choice. Some choose to wear swimsuits or undergarments, while others choose to avoid any tan lines by tanning in the nude. The privacy of indoor tanning allows you to make the choice that is most comfortable for you. If you choose to tan in the nude, we remind you that this skin may have never been exposed to Ultraviolet light and will be more sensitive. These areas must acquire a tan slowly, cut down the exposure time for these areas to 1/3 or less of the total time recommended by your tanning professional. When you can’t see any tan lines on your body, it’s ok to expose that skin the same length of time as the rest of your body.
Your eyelids are not thick enough to protect your eyes from UV damage. Federal law requires all tanning salons to supply clients with proper eye protection. The eyewear must meet federal government standards by blocking 99% of UVA and UVB rays. Closing your eyes, using sunglasses, cotton balls or a towel is not adequate protection, the UV rays will easily penetrate them and continue into the eyes. Failing to protect your eyes properly can potentially cause burning to the cornea and more severe damage to the lens and retina. In addition to night vision loss, excessive unprotected exposure to UV light will also damage color vision.
The time necessary to build a great tan depends on several factors:
Your skin type
The equipment
Product (if used)
Frequency of tanning
Our tan bar-tenders will work with you to develop a tanning regimen that meets your goals, while promoting a healthy tan. Most people will see a skin color change after the first few sessions, and have a good base tan in 6-10 sessions. Maintenance of your tan is then achieved with as few as 1-2 sessions per week.
We sure do! All of our tanning levels have at least 1 stand up & laydown option. Laydown beds offer the luxury of relaxation & restfulness while you tan. While stand up booths help tan the areas you can’t always get tanned when you are laying down, like pressure points on the back side and the underarm area. Plus we know some of you like to have a private dance party in those standup beds while your tanning.
We recommend at least 2 days in between Sunbed sessions, whenever time allows.
Trying to build a tan too quickly can have undesired results. You cannot tan more than once in any day and tanning more than what is appropriate for your skin type will only result in an undesirable outcome. However, there is a strategy that will give you an instant tan with a boost, our Tanning Cocktail – Sunbed+Sunless. By utilizing the VersaSpa Sunless tanning booth immediately after tanning in a sunbed, you can have the natural looking color you desire, quickly and effectively. The sunbed prepares your skin to accept the sunless tanning solution. For best results use a lotion specifically formulated for Tanning Cocktails while tanning in a sunbed before a sunless session. Ask a tan bar-tender for which products will work best for you.
Overall healthy skin is the key to a long-lasting tan. Healthy skin tans faster, darker and retains a tan longer. Plenty of water, regular skin exfoliation and quality lotion; especially one formulated for tanning, will help keep your skin glowing. Your skin is constantly renewing itself, drier skin will shed its top layers and bring new skin to the surface. Since tanning only affects the epidermis (top layers of your skin) as those layers are shed, you lose your tanned skin. Dry layers on the surface of your skin can also block the UV rays from getting to the healthy layers of your epidermis in order to tan them which is why regular exfoliation is important along with the use of your tanning lotion. Additionally you will need to tan 1-2 times per week in order to maintain that bronzed color you worked so hard to get.
For those of you who have tanned in, or have heard of, “non-burning beds”, “bronzing beds” or “high-pressure beds”, these are sunbeds that have mostly UVA rays, with minimal UVB rays. The advantage to these beds is that you can get a tan very quickly, it will last longer and it is far less likely that you would get a sunburn. The disadvantage to these beds is that you are producing virtually no vitamin D and you are not adequately providing yourself with a base tan that protects you from harsh outdoor sun. For example: If you were to only tan in a high-pressure bed prior to going to Mexico on vaca, when you arrive in Mexico, your skin would not be acclimated to a more natural mix of UVA and UVB and you will likely sunburn. So the bed you choose should be carefully chosen to suit your tanning goals.
Indoor UV tanning provides the same benefits and risks as outdoor tanning. Both feel great and can improve your appearance and overall self esteem. Moderation is the key to playing it safe when you’re tanning.
Gradually building a base tan actually protects your skin from sunburn and in turn can decrease risk of sunburn. Don’t EVER try to sunburn! Too often we hear “I always burn before I tan”. NO, NO, NO this is how tanning got its bad wrap. A sunburn is not a base for a tan; it only damages your skin and increases your risk for developing melanoma. Building a tan safely actually has so many health benefits.
Tanning also provides much needed Vitamin D in its most natural form. Vitamin D deficiencies are widely seen in northern climates where people are not in the sun enough during the year. In order to get your 5 minutes of Happy Light and help with seasonal depression you will want to hit up one of our non-high-pressure beds to get that Vitamin D that our bodies all so badly want and need. Feeling sad? You are not alone, depression is a real thing and especially in these parts where the sun don’t shine year round. We at Rockstar are always here to help day or night, oh and we got the hook up on your 5 minutes of happy while we are at it!!
As with everything, there is always some risk involved. We do our best to keep you and your skin safe. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Spray Tanning
Our VersaSpa spray tan machines offers the latest in spray tan technology. If you are looking for privacy and a do-it-yourself approach, VersaSpa and VersaPro will provide you with a gorgeous tan. Easy-to-use, open air technology, and knowledgable tan bar-tenders greatly reduce the risk of user error. There is no need for an appointment! Just walk in, spray, and walk out in 10 minutes or less. Here at Rockstar we carry classic bronze and clear in our VersaSpa machine and the record breaking venitian and clear in our VersaPro machine.
Watch the cheesiest, early-90’s VersaSpa video we could find to see how easy it is to get a natural-looking tan, instantly!

Waxing, manicures, pedicures, and facials should be done 24-48 hours before your tanning appointment.
Moisturize! Dry skin is the enemy of an even, natural sunless tan so you must moisturize your skin every day for the 3 to 5 days leading up to your tan.
Exfoliate and shave the night before your appointment.
You want to have clean skin with nothing on it when you go in for your sunless tan so refrain from using moisturizers, perfumes, lotions, oils or deodorants that may cause a barrier between your skin and the spray tanning solution.
Bring or wear dark, loose clothing and flip-flops to put on after your tanning appointment.
Wash your hands 1-2 hours after your spray tan appointment to keep hands looking as natural as possible
Wait at least 8 – 10 hours after your appointment before showering… the longer the better for optimum results!
We recommend rinsing with warm water only for your first shower. After your first shower, it’s ok to use non-abrasive soaps (no bar soap!) and gels, but do not exfoliate for at least 5 – 7 days. Keep in mind, added bronzers will wash away during the first shower, this is normal!
No. The advanced technology currently used in Sunless tanning solutions is designed to ensure a natural, bronze tan. Ask your salon staff-member to help you select the best level of tanning solution to match your skin tone. Just follow the instructions from our tan-bartender, and we promise you won’t end up looking like Ross.
The FDA advises that users avoid inhaling or ingesting DHA or letting the spray get into the eyes. We recommend using:
Eye protection
Nose filters
Ear plugs
Lip balm